Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shortened, condensed, and now with half the calories!

Dear Diary,
I am terrible at updating you, but here's another condensed version of Finland.

Day 1- WE MADE IT! Patrik (the picked us up at the airport and drove us to get our keys and show us apartments while informing us of the intricate laws of Finland (Anything's legal if you have a permit. And you can get permits for anything) Sleep.

Day 2 - Explore/unpack/figure out Finnish transportation (still working on that one) Matias, another viking, showed us around and took us to a club for a celebration of one of his friends business successes.

Day 3 - Sleep. Still adjusting time schedules, 4 am bed and noon or one wake up is pretty normal. Get used to translating 15 o'clock in my head. Find out that grocery stores close circa 7 or 8. Pretty lame.

Day 4 - Meet exchange tutor group. They are awesome. Italy, slovenia, germany, croatia, slovakia, switzerland, and spain are just a few of the places they hail from.

Day 5-7 Fun. Acclimate to Helsinki. Appreciate (/hate) the feet of snow on the ground; Wisconsin has nothing on Helsinki for snowfall. Oh yeah, went to Estonia in here too, it was very grey/dreary a little bit but a beautiful city, especially the old town. Much more happened here but it's 3am.

Day 8-11 Matias's house about 2 hours out of Helsinki. Deer hunting (trying to walk in 3 foot snow drifts), riding ATVs and kite skiing (Awwww hellz yeah!) were the main activities of the weekend. First experience with a Finnish sauna. Hot but you feel great afterwards!

Tomorrow - More downtown helsinki adventures. Going to register ourselves as official aliens so we can get our ID number so we can get our bank accounts/money. Haircuts, my first class (survival finnish) and saunaing are all on the to-do list with making chocolate chip cookies and joining the tae kwon do (sp) club also if I have time. In the meanwhile, here are some pictures.


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